Laboratory Services & General Medicine

Our Services

Laboratory Services & General Medicine

Our comprehensive in-house laboratory comprises the IDEXX suite of blood and urine analyzers and Bionote’s VCheck immunoassay analyzer, enabling us to run comprehensive blood work in-house, with quick turnaround time for results to help diagnose all of our general medicine cases.

Blood tests offered in-house include:

  • Complete Blood Count
  • Full Biochemistry Profiles (Kidney, Liver, Thyroid, Electrolyte profiles)
  • 4DX: Heartworm & tick fever testing
  • Pancreatitis test
  • ProBNP cardiac biomarker test 
  • Fructosamine levels 
  • FELV/FIV testing 
  • Blood typing & crossmatching

Our clinic also offers complete urinalysis, sediment exam and urine protein creatinine ratio (UPC) tests in-house. Point-of-care Fecal tests to check for parvovirus, coronavirus, giardiasis and other gastrointestinal parasites, as well as general Cytology Services (microscope examination) are also available.

All these in-house tests and diagnostic imaging options enable us to rapidly work up and diagnose complicated medical cases, so that appropriate treatment can be administered promptly. We also routinely send samples to reference labs for further diagnosis if warranted.


We strongly advocate doing thorough senior wellness exams and screening tests to detect early signs of organ dysfunction and age-related changes before your pet starts to get sick. This allows early intervention to slow down the progression of these diseases and ensure that your pet is well taken care of during their golden years. 

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